
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Refilling airbag cylinders with the Hill MK4 high pressure hand pump

It’s official!  Many of our customers asked about whether it was OK to use a high-pressure air pump to refill our airbag cylinders. Of course you can still have your cylinder refilled at most dive shops and many paintball shops, but if your travels take you to locations where refill is difficult or if your schedule is tight this could be a hassle. After testing, Mammut is recommending the Hill MK4 air pump to refill our airbag cylinders in such circumstances. 

The Hill MK4 high pressure hand pump can be used to refill Mammut airbag cartridges

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Mammut airbag cylinders available in Japan!

Mammut airbag cylinders are now available in Japan!  The Mammut carbon cylinder, a lightweight version that is also available in Europe, has recently been certified by the Japanese government and will be sold and can be rented in Japan for visiting riders.  This is great news for anyone who wants to visit this destination with their Mammut airbag.